
A workshop in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2024

Symbolic photo, not taken from the database (licence reasons) instead by kristinhardwick on Morguefile

MuSe-Perception (LMU-ELP)

In the Social Perception Sub-Challenge (MuSe-Perception), participants will predict 16 different social attributes of individuals such as ‘assertiveness,‘ ‘dominance,’ ‘likability,‘ and ‘sincerity‘ based on the provided audiovisual data. 

Symbolic photo, not taken from the database (licence reasons) instead by GaborfromHungary on Morguefile

MuSe-Humor (Passau-SFCH)

The MuSe-Humor sub-challenge uses the novel Passau Spontaneous Football Coach Humor (Passau-SFCH) database. It comprises audiovisual recordings of German and English football Bundesliga press conferences. It is annotated for humor displayed by the coaches. For the challenge, a binary labelling (presence or absence of humor) is provided. 

Overall, 10 hours of recordings from 10 different coaches are contained in the training and development set. The test partition comprises about 6.5 hours of English Premier League press conferences held by 6 different coaches. [paper]