Paper Submission
A workshop in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2023
Evaluation System closes: July 17th, 11:59:59 PM AoE
Paper Submission closes: July 19th, 11:59:59 PM AoE.
Note that an accepted paper is a necessary requirement for officially winning a sub-challenge.
It is not mandatory to outperform the baseline in order to submit a paper. Any insights into the given task(s) may prove fruitful to the community.
If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Paper Format:
Submitted papers (.pdf format) must use the ACM Article Template: paper template. Please remember to add Concepts and Keywords. Please use the template in traditional double-column format to prepare your submissions. For example, word users may use Word Interim Template, and latex users may use sample-sigconf-authordraft template. When using sample-sigconf-authordraft template, please comment all the author information for submission and review of manuscript, instead of changing the documentclass command to '\documentclass[manuscript, screen, review]{acmart}' as told by instructions.
Pls ensure that you submit your papers subscribing to this format for full consideration during the review process.
Workshop full papers: 8 page limit + 2 extra pages for references
Workshop short papers: 4 page limit + 1 extra page for references
For MuSe, there is no supplementary material.
Blinding “double-blind”: Paper submissions must conform to the “double-blind” review policy. This means that the authors should not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers should not know the names of the authors. Please prepare your paper in a way that preserves the anonymity of the authors.
Do not put the authors’ names under the title.
Avoid using phrases such as “our previous work” when referring to earlier publications by the authors.
Remove information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgements (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs).
Check supplemental material (e.g., titles in the video clips, or supplementary documents) for information that may identify the authors’ identities.
Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors.
Papers without appropriate blinding will be desk rejected without review.